

The music ministry at Siloam is very diverse and offers something for everyone.  We have a praise band, a praise team, and an adult choir.  Our children’s choir presents specials occasionally during our worship service, and it is always special when they share their talents with the entire church.

The praise band is a blend of instruments and includes several college students and some youth under the leadership of Marc on guitar. They lead many specials on Sunday mornings as well as leading the worship songs during the youth service on Sunday nights.

The current praise team has been together singing on Sunday mornings for around 8 years.  The adult choir sings many Sunday mornings as well as two cantatas, one at Easter and the other at Christmas, each year.

The music that we sing here at Siloam has one purpose, and that is to glorify God and sing praises to His name.  Our desire is to see authentic worship using both hymns and praise songs.  The songs we sing are first and foremost about raising our voices to sing truth about our Savior.  Our services are a mix of tempo and genres, and we feel that this is the best way to honor God in our praise of what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will do in the future.

Opportunities To Serve:

  • Choir

  • Praise Team

  • Praise Band

  • Soundboard